Get Ready for the School Year: Essential Steps for Cheer Coaches

As a cheer coach, the start of the school year is a crucial time for setting the foundation for a successful season. In this first part of our Back to School Series, we'll focus on getting ready and organized. Here are actionable steps to ensure you kick off the season with confidence and clarity.

1. Organize Your Materials

Create a Checklist

Before diving into the season, make a comprehensive checklist of everything you need. This includes uniforms, practice schedules, emergency contact lists, and any paperwork required by your school or organization. Having a well-documented list ensures nothing falls through the cracks.

Set Up a Filing System

Whether digital or physical, organize all your documents in a way that makes them easily accessible. Use folders for different categories such as team rosters, medical forms, and permission slips. A well-organized system saves time and reduces stress when you need to find important information quickly.

2. Plan Your Practice Schedule

Determine Your Goals

Start by identifying your goals for the season. What skills do you want your team to master? What performances and competitions are on the calendar? Knowing your objectives will help you create a focused practice schedule that addresses your team’s needs.

Break Down the Season

Divide the season into manageable segments, such as pre-season, mid-season, and competition season. For each segment, outline the skills and routines you want to focus on. This approach helps you track progress and ensures your team is always working towards a goal.

3. Communicate with Your Team

Hold a Team Meeting

Kick off the season with a team meeting to discuss expectations, goals, and the practice schedule. This is the time to address any questions or concerns and to get everyone on the same page. Clear communication from the start builds a strong foundation for the season.

Establish Regular Check-Ins

Schedule regular check-ins with your team, both as a group and individually. This helps you stay informed about any issues and provides a platform for feedback. Regular communication keeps everyone aligned and motivated.

4. Prepare Your Team Physically and Mentally

Conditioning and Skills Training

Ensure your team is physically ready for the demands of the season. Incorporate conditioning exercises into your practice routine to build strength and endurance. Focus on fundamental skills to ensure a solid foundation before moving on to more advanced routines.

Mental Preparation

Cheerleading is as much a mental game as it is physical. Teach your team techniques for staying focused and handling pressure. This can include visualization exercises, breathing techniques, and positive affirmations.

5. Foster a Positive Team Culture

Build Team Bonding Activities

Plan activities that help your team bond and build trust. This can include team-building exercises, social events, or even a simple team dinner. A close-knit team is more likely to support each other and work well together.

Encourage a Growth Mindset

Promote a culture where mistakes are seen as opportunities to learn and grow. Encourage your team to support each other and celebrate individual and collective achievements. A positive team culture fosters resilience and a strong work ethic.

With these actionable steps, you’re well on your way to a successful cheer season. Stay tuned for Part 2 of our Back to School Series, where we’ll dive deeper into advanced preparation techniques.

Join the Free 5-Day Back to School Cheer Coaches Challenge

Before the first bell rings of the school year, you will be ready! Sign up for our free 5-Day Back to School Cheer Coaches Challenge! This challenge is designed to help you get organized, set goals, and prepare your team for a successful season. Learn more and register at:


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