Practice Ready: Setting Effective Goals for Your Cheer Team

Getting your cheerleading team ready for the season means more than just physical preparation. In this second part of our Back to School Series, we'll discuss setting clear, achievable goals for each practice to ensure consistent progress and development. Missed Part 1? Read it here.

Here’s how you can set and achieve effective practice goals.

1. Define Your Practice Objectives

Identify Key Skills

Determine the essential skills your team needs to master. Start by evaluating your team’s strengths and weaknesses. Do they need to work on stunts, cheers, or overall fitness? Make a list of these skills and rank them based on priority. Focus on foundational skills first before advancing to more complex routines.

Set Specific Goals

For each skill, set specific, measurable goals. For example, instead of a vague goal like “improve stunts,” set a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goal: “Increase the success rate of our basket toss by 20% within the next four weeks.” Clear goals give your team a target to aim for and help track progress.

2. Create a Structured Practice Plan

Develop a Weekly Schedule

Outline a weekly practice schedule that balances skill development, conditioning, and routine practice. Allocate specific days for different focus areas, such as stunting on Mondays, tumbling on Wednesdays, and full routine run-throughs on Fridays.

Incorporate Progression

Build progression into your practice plan. Start with basic drills and gradually increase the difficulty as your team improves. This approach ensures steady growth and prevents injury by not overwhelming your cheerleaders too quickly.

3. Assign Roles and Responsibilities

Utilize Team Leaders

Assign roles to team captains or senior members to lead specific sections of practice. For example, one captain can oversee warm-ups while another focuses on stunting drills. Delegating responsibilities fosters leadership skills and ensures everyone contributes to achieving team goals.

Encourage Accountability

Make each team member responsible for their progress. Use progress charts or journals where they can track their improvements. Regular check-ins help maintain accountability and motivate them to keep pushing towards their goals.

4. Monitor Progress and Adjust

Regular Check-Ins

Schedule regular check-ins to assess progress towards your practice goals. These can be brief meetings at the end of each practice or more in-depth reviews bi-weekly. Use video recordings to analyze performance and identify areas for improvement. This allows you to make data-driven decisions about where to focus your efforts. Use these check-ins to celebrate successes and identify areas needing improvement.

Adjust Goals as Needed

Sometimes goals need to be adjusted based on the team’s progress. Be flexible with your goals. If your team is struggling with a particular skill, adjust your plan to allow more time for practice. If they master a skill quickly, move on to more advanced techniques to keep them challenged and engaged.

5. Foster a Positive Practice Environment

Encourage Open Communication

Create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feedback. Regularly ask for input on what’s working and what isn’t. Open communication helps in quickly addressing issues and making necessary adjustments.

Reward Progress and Hard Work

Recognize and reward progress, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement boosts morale and motivates your team to keep pushing towards their goals. Consider a reward system for achieving milestones, such as a special team activity or small prizes.

By setting and achieving effective practice goals, you’ll ensure your team is well-prepared for the season ahead. Stay tuned for Part 3 of our Back to School Series, where we’ll dive deeper into advanced preparation techniques.

Join the Free 5-Day Back to School Cheer Coaches Challenge

Before the first bell rings of the school year, you will be ready! Sign up for our free 5-Day Back to School Cheer Coaches Challenge! This challenge is designed to help you get organized, set goals, and prepare your team for a successful season. Learn more and register at:


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