Mastering Stunt Preparation for Your Cheer Team

Stunting is one of the most thrilling and challenging aspects of cheerleading. It requires precision, strength, and teamwork. Ensuring your team is well-prepared for stunts not only enhances their performance but also keeps everyone safe. In this fourth part of our Back to School Series, we'll focus on getting your cheer team stunt-ready with effective preparation strategies.

1. Master the Basics

Focus on Fundamentals

Before attempting more complex stunts, ensure your team has mastered the basic. This includes proper hand placement, body positioning, and understanding the fundamentals of balance and timing. A solid understanding of fundamental skills reduces the risk of injury and sets the foundation for more advanced stunts.

Strength and Conditioning

Stunts require strength, flexibility, and endurance. Incorporate a robust conditioning program into your practice routine to build the necessary physical foundation. This should include exercises targeting core strength, leg power, and overall flexibility.

2. Develop a Stunt Progression Plan

Set Clear Objectives

Identify the stunts you want to incorporate into your routines and set clear objectives for mastering them. Break down each stunt into its components and outline a step-by-step plan for teaching and practicing these elements.

Use Progressions

Progressions are key to safe and effective stunt training. Start with simple drills and gradually increase the difficulty as your team becomes more comfortable and skilled. Use a progression chart to track your team’s progress. This visual tool helps you plan practices and ensure that each team member is advancing at a safe and appropriate pace. This methodical approach builds confidence and competence.

3. Emphasize Safety and Communication

Safety First

Safety should always be your top priority. Ensure all team members understand and adhere to safety protocols.

Always use spotters during practice, especially when attempting new stunts. Teach your team proper spotting techniques and ensure they understand their role in keeping everyone safe. Safety should always be the top priority.

Incorporate safety drills into your practice routine. Regularly review and practice how to handle falls and other potential emergencies. This keeps safety fresh in everyone’s minds and prepares your team for any situation.


Encourage Open Communication

Foster a culture of trust and open communication where team members feel comfortable expressing concerns or asking for help. Encourage team-building activities that help your squad bond and build trust in one another.  Teach your team specific hand signals and verbal cues to use during stunts. Regular practice of these communication techniques ensures everyone is on the same page.

4. Monitor and Review

Feedback and Video Reviews

Hold regular feedback sessions where team members can discuss what’s working and what needs improvement. Also, recording practices and reviewing the footage can provide valuable insights. Analyze each stunt to identify areas for improvement and celebrate progress. Visual feedback helps the team understand what they’re doing well and what needs adjustment.


Practice Consistently and Adjust as Needed

Incorporate stunt training into every practice session and allocate sufficient time for repetition and refinement. After each practice, review your team’s performance and identify areas for improvement. Make necessary adjustments and continue practicing until the stunts are executed flawlessly. Be flexible and willing to adjust your stunt plans based on your team’s progress and feedback. Sometimes a different approach or additional practice on a specific skill is necessary for success.

By following these steps, your team will be well-prepared and confident in their stunting abilities. Stay tuned for Part 5 of our Back to School Series, where we’ll dive deeper into advanced preparation techniques.

Join the Free 5-Day Back to School Cheer Coaches Challenge

Before the first bell rings of the school year, you will be ready! Sign up for our free 5-Day Back to School Cheer Coaches Challenge! This challenge is designed to help you get organized, set goals, and prepare your team for a successful season. Learn more and register at:


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