Competition Ready: How to Prepare Your Cheer Team for the Big Day


Competition day is the pinnacle of the cheer season the culmination of all your team’s hard work and preparation. Ensuring your team is competition-ready requires strategic planning, focused practice, and attention to detail. In this fifth and final part of our Back to School Series, we'll focus on getting your cheer team competition-ready with a solid preparation plan. Here’s how you can set your cheer team up for success on the big day.

1. Perfect the Routine

Refine and Polish Every Element

In the weeks leading up to the competition, focus on refining every aspect your routine. By the time competition day arrives, your routine should be flawless. Break down each section of the choreography and polish every move. Perfect the timing, synchronization, and execution of each element; and pay attention to the smallest details, from facial expressions to hand placement, as judges will be looking for precision. Ensure that each team member knows their role and that transitions are seamless.

Run Full-Out Practices

Simulate the competition environment by running full-out practices. This means performing the entire routine with the same energy, enthusiasm, and focus that they’ll need on competition day as if they're in front of the judges, including any crowd interaction. Full-out practices build endurance and confidence, ensuring your team is ready to perform under pressure.

2. Mental Preparation

Visualization Techniques

Teach your team to use visualization techniques to mentally rehearse their routine. Have them close their eyes and mentally run through the routine, imagining everything going perfectly. Visualization helps athletes build confidence, prepare their minds for the actual performance, and reduce anxiety.

Pre-Competition Routine

Establish a pre-competition routine that your team can follow on the day of the event. This could include a specific warm-up, a team huddle, or a series of breathing exercises. A consistent routine helps calm nerves and sets the tone for a focused performance.

3. Manage Logistics Effectively

Create a Detailed Schedule

Plan every aspect of competition day, from arrival times and warm-up schedules to meals and rest periods. A detailed schedule ensures that the day runs smoothly and that your team is focused and ready when it’s time to perform.

Go over the competition day schedule with your team, including arrival times, warm-up sessions, and performance times. Make sure everyone knows where they need to be and when. A well-rehearsed schedule reduces anxiety and ensures the day runs smoothly.

Pack Essentials Ahead of Time

In the days leading up to the competition, create a checklist of everything you’ll need on the day.  This includes uniforms, shoes, makeup, water bottles, snacks, medical supplies, and any necessary documentation. Ensure everything is packed and ready well in advance to avoid last-minute stress. Having everything organized reduces stress on the day and allows your team can focus solely on their performance.

Assign Roles

Clearly assign roles to team members and staff for competition day. This includes who is responsible for carrying equipment, managing warm-ups, and liaising with competition officials. Clear roles and responsibilities ensure everything runs smoothly.

4. Post-Competition Review

Celebrate the Successes

Regardless of the outcome, take time to celebrate your team. Acknowledge the hard work and dedication they put into preparing for the competition. Celebrating successes, big or small, keeps morale high and motivates the team for future competitions.

Review and Reflect

After the competition, take time to review the performance with your team. Hold a debriefing session with your team to discuss what went well and where there’s room for improvement. Constructive feedback helps your team grow and prepare for future competitions.

By following these steps, your cheer team will be fully prepared to shine on competition day.

Join the Free 5-Day Back to School Cheer Coaches Challenge

Before the first bell rings of the school year, you will be ready! Sign up for our free 5-Day Back to School Cheer Coaches Challenge! This challenge is designed to help you get organized, set goals, and prepare your team for a successful season. Learn more and register at:


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