Crowd-Pleasing Stunts & Pyramids - Even for Beginners!


If you’re a cheer coach working with a brand-new team, you might be wondering how to create routines that entertain the crowd—even if your cheerleaders are still learning the basics. The good news? With the right approach, even beginners can pull off stunts and pyramids that leave the audience cheering for more!

Above is a video of my team’s first-ever football game performance. We had only a partial summer of training, and only one athlete had prior cheerleading experience. Though they were mainly freshmen, they executed a simple but impressive pyramid. Today, that same team has won State three years in a row! Check out the video to see what’s possible.

With the right strategy, your team can create similar moments. Let’s walk through some steps to make that happen.

1. Build from the Basics

Start with Foundational Moves

When your team is just starting out, focus on mastering basic stunts like shoulder sits, thigh stands, and single-base moves. These are effective building blocks that your cheerleaders can use to form bigger, more exciting pyramids over time.

Progress One Step at a Time

Keep the progression gradual. Start with stunts that everyone feels comfortable with, then add on complexity. For example, after mastering a simple shoulder sit, you can move on to more advanced extensions and cradles.

2. Prioritize Team Safety and Trust

Make Safety a Priority

Safety is key when it comes to stunting. Emphasize proper spotting techniques and make sure your team is comfortable before attempting new stunts. Confidence comes from knowing everyone’s got each other’s back.

Encourage Open Communication

Your team should feel comfortable speaking up if something feels off during stunting. This creates a supportive, open environment and helps prevent any accidents. Trust and communication are the foundation of great stunting.

3. Create a Memorable Performance

Engage the Crowd with Energy

Even if your stunts are simple, energy and enthusiasm can make your routine unforgettable. Teach your team to project their personalities and interact with the crowd during performances—it adds a whole new level of excitement.

Structure Simple, Effective Pyramids

One of the best ways to engage the crowd is with a well-executed pyramid. Look at the video of my team’s first pyramid—it wasn’t complicated, but the crowd loved it! Start with simple structures, and as your team grows in confidence, introduce more complex elements.

4. Focus on Improvement, Not Perfection

Identify What’s Working

As you review your team’s performances, point out the areas where they excelled. This will keep their confidence high and help them build on their strengths as the season progresses.

Constantly Refine

While it’s important to celebrate the successes, also take the time to pinpoint areas that need improvement. Use these as teachable moments and adjust your training plan to tackle those challenges head-on.

Ready to take your stunting to the next level? Stunt School 2.0 offers lifetime access to over 80 stunts, drills, and training videos, giving you all the tools you need to coach confidently. Whether you're working with beginners or a more experienced team, Stunt School 2.0 will help you bring your team’s routines to life.

Check it out here: Stunt School 2.0


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