Summer Workout Plan

In the summer you have limited time with your entire team.  Despite your limited practice time with your entire team, it is important you make sure they stay in top-notch condition.  Give them a workout plan at the beginning of the summer.

Create a form that they can fill out that is also signed by a parent to verify the workouts took place. The form should be turned in weekly or every other week so you can monitor their progress throughout the summer.

For your convenience, you can download a workout form in Excel here (It will download straight to your computer.)

Conditioning Assessment

At the beginning of the summer, conduct a conditioning assessment, or use what you may have done at tryouts.  Then, at the end of the summer, they should have improved.

Here is what you can assess and you will be able to measure improvement:

  • Timed one mile run
  • Number of pushups in one minute
  • Number of sit ups in one minute
  • Other strength and aerobic activities

Options for Working out at Home and on Vacation

Give your team workouts plan so if they are frequently on vacation, they can still stay conditioned.

  • Run 1-3 miles 3-4 times a week
  • Stretch splits and bridges 5-6 times a week
  • Pushups
  • Sit-ups
  • Squat variations

Find classes that you can recommend to your team and even video workouts. Beachbody’s Insanity is a great workout for cheerleaders.  It has the plyometrics and stamina incorporated that is ideal for cheer conditioning.

Open Gym – Lifting Weights

Talk with the other coaches, preferably the coaches of the girls’ sports teams and see when and if they are lifting weights over the summer.  Find two to three days a week that the team can come in with other teams and lift weights. Offer to take turns supervising with the other coaches.

Prior to having the open gyms for weight lifting, make sure you have a few classes to teach them how to lift weights safely.  Give them a workout to follow each time they are in the gym. It should not be a free-for-all. They need to come in and have an exact workout.

Planning your team’s conditioning for the summer will help them come back in the fall conditioned and ready for full and more regular practices. This will also help prevent injuries and keep the team safer.


One of the most important parts of summer conditioning is holding your team accountable. When you give them the workouts, let them know that you will be checking in with them weekly and have the team decide the consequences when they don't do the workouts.  Have individual and team consequences. 

  • Remind them weekly.
  • Check the workout log weekly. If they haven't done the workout, follow up and have consequences.
  • Have them post on your team app, like BAND.
  • Have your captains help with motivation.

Keeping your team in top-notch condition will help you be more successful with stunting. Ensure that you have the know-how to continue to advance your skills safely through Stunt School for Cheerleading Coaches. You will receive lifetime access to more than 100 stunts as well as a number of training videos. Coach stunts with confidence – find out more here:

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