Win a Spirit Stick Everyday at Camp

Do you remember the curse of the Spirit Stick in the infamous, original Bring It On movie?  Torrance dropped the spirit stick and now she feels like she is cursed as the captain because she dropped it.

I don’t know if there is truly a curse behind dropping the spirit stick, but I can say, the spirit stick is a coveted prize at camp!  The spirit stick is a big stinkin’ deal.

This is where the spirit stick originated. It was started by none other than Lawrence Herkimer himself – the founder of National Cheerleading Association (NCA). At his camp in 1945, one team was not the best team, but they stood out among all teams with their spirit. They showed up early and then stayed longer than any other team to practice. They cheered on all of the other teams, which increased the spirit at camp.  Cheerleaders cheered for other cheerleaders. In order to reward them, Herkimer cut a small branch off a tree. He painted it and decorated it to reward them for the spirit they had shown all week.

And so the tradition began!

Now I know you want a spirit stick, so this is how you do it.  This is being prefaced with the fact that it is not all about willing the spirit stick, but cultivating a positive attitude among your team and coaches, with the other teams and the instructors at camp. You might go to camp with many spirit stick worthy teams and you may not win one, but you can’t go wrong with these tips whether you come back to the school with a spirit stick or not.

Good attitude

You attitude is number one. You could have the best cheers all day long, but if your attitude stinks, you are not getting a spirit stick. Keep your team motivated and make sure they are ready to work with a smile on their faces.

Cheer for the other Teams

Your team should not only be there to improve, but they should be cheering for the other teams.  Whether that is when another team is performing or if it is saying good job when you see them at lunch, make sure you are the biggest cheerleaders for the other teams.

Pay Attention & Give it your All

The entire team needs to pay attention to the instruction and try their best at learning all of the material. When learning routines, hit the motions sharp and smile! 


Put in the extra time to practice the material you have learned.  You are not only doing this for the spirit stick, but you will want to remember all of the material when you go back to the school.

Respect the Instructors & the Coach

To become a camp instructor it is pretty competitive. They know what they are doing. Eye rolling and an uncooperative attitude will not win you a spirit stick. When an instructor tries to correct or fix something be ready and willing to make the adjustment. Even if you are not sure if it is the right solution, give it a try. Have the attitude that it will work!

The instructors are also looking at how a team is responding to the coach’s direction. If they see disrespectful attitudes from the coach then they likely will not reward your team with a spirit stick.

Start & Participate in Games

Little Sally Walker is among the favorite games at camp that everyone will play. When there are big breaks around lunch or dinner that everyone is waiting and not practicing, then start one of those fun chanting games that gets people moving. Maybe you walked into the gym late and couldn’t start the game. No worries. Being a part of the game works just as well. Don’t be shy, walk up and ask if you can join in. I’m willing to be you can!

Get to know the Other Teams

Take the time to introduce yourselves to the other teams. Sit with them at lunch and talk to them during breaks.  While it is a great time to bond with your team, getting to know other teams can enrich you camp experience.


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