Your Best Cheer Year Yet Planathon

It’s that time of year when you are beginning to wrap up this season and start thinking about next season.


I love thinking about the new season. Sometimes it gets me through these last few months of the current one.


Here’s what you should be doing to help you get on track for next season:



Every good plan starts by looking back on the year before. You really need to dig in and see what you like and what you didn’t or what worked and what tanked. Not to mention, it’s always good to see what recurring obstacles did you have that you might be able to account for the next year.



February is the home stretch. It’s time to really get excited about cheerleading again. Start watching YouTube videos of cheer routines or new cheers. Be sure to also check out the Cheer Coach Academy Instagram page to get ideas!  Put some fun and team-building time back into your practices. All of this helps you finish the year strong.



This time of year is a great time to get ready for the next season. You’re far enough along to work out the kinks. Plus you’re close enough to tryouts that it really does matter when you start planning. It’s the eye of the storm, and it’s about to get crazy with competition and nationals. Take the time now to get ahead so you don’t feel rushed later.



Planning is something I love to do, but it’s also something that takes me a while to start. It just seems so darn intimidating when I think about all the planning required for a new season.


Sometimes I just plain tune out, say “no thanks,” and wait until the last minute. And I’ve got a feeling I’m not the only one.If you’re like me.


That’s why I put together Your Best Cheer Year Yet Planathon.


It’s one-month of planning goodness. šŸ™‚


I give you the step-by-step, piece-by-piece tools to plan your next season in just one month.


Here’s what you get to plan …


Evaluation and Reflection

  1. Vision, Mission, and Goals
  2. Ideal cheerleader profile
  3. Plan your Calendar
  4. Plan your Budget
  5. Plan your Paperwork
  6. Plan your Handbook
  7. Plan your Tryouts
  8. Plan your Pre-tryout Meeting
  9. Plan your Parent/Athlete Meeting
  10. Plan your Tryout Week


Sign up here for Your Best Cheer Year Yet Planathon!



50% Complete

Two Step

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