How Cheer Coach Academy Started

Cheer Coach Academy was founded by Gina Harris in 2016. For most of her coaching career, Gina spent time with coaches of other teams and their teams to give them assistance in developing the program. Gina continued to receive requests to help coaches with their teams, do choreography, and judge competitions.

She experienced that coaches have a wide variety of needs.  Some had all of the cheerleading skills know-how, but lacked any discipline and structure. The athletes on the team would come to Gina with comments such as this from teams without discipline: “Please just yell at all of us and make everyone listen.” Other coaches had never coached before and many times they were parents volunteering their time.  Coaches said statements such as: “I can’t believe how much work this is.” Gina has enjoyed continuing her coaching by assisting and motivating cheer coaches. 

Gina’s specific expertise is in building cheerleading programs at multiple schools of different sizes, as well as an all star gym. She is most passionate about taking a program from nothing to something.  She sees the potential and knows how to make the program successful.  She can help you do the same.

Cheer Coach Academy is for new coaches and for coaches who want to take their cheerleading program to the next level. Sign up for emails and follow Cheer Coach Academy on social media to learn about new programs, trainings, and helpful tips to be released this year.

About Coach Gina

Gina fell in love with cheerleading in 8th grade.  Back in the day when scrunchies and Aqua-net were important staples to a cheerleader’s wardrobe and Paula Abdul and MC Hammer songs were the music mixes of choice for half-time routines. Since that time, Gina has enjoyed the first-hand experience in being part of the growth of cheerleading as a sport.

By Gina’s senior year of high school, she became an All American Cheerleader and performed at the half-time of the Aloha Bowl. Shortly after starting college, she met some high school cheerleaders who said they needed help on their competition routine.  Gina started working with the team everyday after school and they placed 3rd at the State Competition. Gina continued to work with various teams throughout college and when she graduated she became a head coach.  She has coached at various high schools of all sizes and has coached all star teams as well.

Selected Accomplishments:

  • Colorado High School Coaches Association - Coach of the Year 2024.
  • Colorado High School Activities Association - Coach of the Year 2024
  • NCA National Championship Coach and Choreographer (2025 Intermediate Non-tumbling Crowd Leading - Medium)
  • Eight-time State Championship Coach and Choreographer (2008, 2009, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
  • 5 State Runner-up Titles
  • 16 State Finals Appearances
  • John Lynch Foundation Coach of the Year, 2008 (Denver Broncos)
  • Numerous Regional Competition wins and bids to Nationals for every major cheer company
  • Judge at numerous competitions including the CO State competition in 2005
  • State Championship Title -  All Star Level 6 2007 (athlete on the team)

Most importantly Gina’s most significant accomplishment is the lives she has been able to shape of the cheerleaders she has coached.

Cheerleading is what Gina has always done as a way to give back to athletes and schools.  She is also a professional speaker and nonprofit consultant. 

Learn more about Gina’s “day job” here:

"I want shout it to the ends of the world how amazing Cheer Coach Academy is! CCA has become my cheer bible. I think my AD is getting tired of all the free resources I send to print. "

Coach Jill Schoneberger
North Senior High

"Cheer Coach Academy is my new best friend. I get so excited about every email. As an unexperienced Coach, the emails and the Facebook group have been huge contributors to my success. Your resources are saving my life. "

Coach Regina Deavens

"As a 3rd year high school cheer coach, finding you has been a God send!! I am so blessed and honored to be a recipient of the endless free resources you've made available to coaches, parents and cheerleaders online!! "

Coach Mimi Hicks

"I have honestly appreciated everything you have sent. This is my first year as a cheer coach, and the advice has been great! Tryouts will be next week, and I feel excited instead of apprehensive. "

Coach Jennifer McDow

"It’s my third year coaching for a youth organization. I must say, for my upcoming season I actually have a plan - thanks to you! "

Coach Joanne Link

"Signing up for your group has been one of the best things I have done!! Thanks so much for keeping things fun and interesting. "

Coach Tiffany Aldridge
Central High School

"I wanted to send a quick message to show my gratitude for the time you take on sending these emails with such valuable information in them. I coach rec cheer & have used many of your tips and information to get me through. So again, I just want to thank you for the time you take to send these emails. I value each one of them!!! "

Coach Crystal Partash Elko

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